Taiwan Railwayhttps://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/case-detail/81/taiwan-railway/The Taiwan Railways Taipei Depot is a crucial hub for railway maintenance and office operations. Due to the round-the-clock shifts required for maintenance work, the automated and intelligent vehicle access management system reduces manpower costs for parking lot management. It also facilitates efficient resource allocation and utilization in the parking facility.
AI VMS minihttps://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/products-detail/52/AI_VMS_Mini/Spark'sone-stopsolution AI VMS Mini, is equipped with high efficiency AI chip,cutting-edge VMS technology and an Asus IoTserver that support 16ch
AI VMS Serverhttps://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/products-detail/50/AI_VMS_Server/Spark'sone-stopsolution AI VMS Server, is equipped with high efficiency AI chip,cutting-edge VMS technology and an expandablerack-mount server th
Argohttps://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/products-detail/45/software/argo/Argo AI VMS is a powerful VieodoManagement System intergate with AI and VMS function. Argo isknown for its advanced capabilities and broad compat
LINE notify是否有可傳訊息數的上限嗎?https://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/faq/10/
如何得知LINE notify連動已解除?https://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/faq/3/
LINE notify是否有可傳訊息數的上限嗎?https://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/faq/2/打開 LINE Notify 的網站 ( https://notify-bot.line.me/zh_TW/ ),使用自己的 LINE 帳號登入。 登入後滑鼠移至上方個人帳號,選擇「個人頁面」。 在個人頁面可以發行「權杖」。權杖的作用在於讓「連動的服務」可以透過 LINE
The human detection function of Spark Argohttps://www.spark-security.com.tw/en/news-detail/47/Argo_people detection_news/Spark's Argo comes with precise AI analysis function. Through efficient AI, it offers human detection functionality, including object, density, a